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Pick a tubular lock? You got to be kidding! How? Well, just by taking it one step at
a time. Some of our locksmith friends have difficulty with tubulars, and I tell them the
same thing I tell you--just like playing a musical instrument, start with simple and work
into more complex! Our practice locks offer you a quality lock that just isn't as precise
as, say, an Ace-II. Use it as a learning tool and when you've mastered this, you're well
on your way to mastering tubular locks.
picks,lock picking equipment,slim jim.bugs,spy equipment,surveillance equipment,spies
supplies,transmitters,surveillance equipment,bug detectors,spy cameras

An easy way to open many padlocks is to utilize Padlock Shims. Made of very thin spring
steel, they come in several sizes to fit the contour of the hasp of the lock. Just push
one down between the hasp and the body of the lock and twist to disengage the the locking

For police officers, repo people, wrecker drivers, auto repair shops, car dealers, and
anyone who needs to open a vehicle, this tool that we fondly call "The Auto
Wedgie", is about all youll ever need. Forget about spending hundreds of
dollars on specialty tools, bent wire devices, jigglers, tryout keys and so on. This
"wonder tool", by SouthOrd, opens just about every car, van, and small truck on
the road--even the new models that are immune to a slim jim. We know it all sounds just
too good to be true--but buy one, and you will be a believer! The set comes complete with
a Slide Rod, and a Nylon Wedge for compromising convertibles.
picks,lock picking equipment,slim jim.bugs,spy equipment,surveillance equipment,spies
supplies,transmitters,surveillance equipment,bug detectors,spy cameras

We didn't invent this little tool, but we do manufacture it. The "Shovit Tool"
can open many door locks by using the old credit card technique -- just shove the device
behind the plunger and and push down and forward, forcing the plunger back into the lock
housing. An inexpensive device that belongs in your tool box.

Southern Ordnance has been manufacturing locksmithing and auto opening tools for years,
and we refuse to lower our standards. We will never offer you tools made of soft,
untemperd steel. We use only the finest spring steel in all our tools--including the
SouthOrd Slim Jim. And we go the distance to give you a Jim with rounded edges and a top
quality vinyl handle.
picks,lock picking equipment,slim jim.bugs,spy equipment,surveillance equipment,spies
supplies,transmitters,surveillance equipment,bug detectors,spy cameras
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